
Craig's Magical Night

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Craig's Magical Night

Requested by theDragonKing100

In the streets

It was precisely 8:00 PM when the sun was setting, allowing the shadows to engulf the roads and buildings that sat in the path a hooded strange. Nothing about this mysterious pedestrian tells much, save for the black hooded cloak and the lower half of the person's face. Although the winds blew fairly strong, the stranger held on to his cloak, unwilling to let any of his features be revealed. He eventually stopped and turned towards a certain building. At the top, there was a sign reading Night House.  

"Night House," the cloaked figure said with a smile. "Yes. This is where he said he would be."

The figure in black walked in.


Inside Night House

"Happy Birthday Craig," said a girl as she clanked glasses with her boyfriend.  

"Thanks, Chrissy," Craig said as he took a sip of his first glass of wine. "Hmm. Not bad. Maybe a little bitter."

"Yeah, well just be glad this state made the drinking age 20 instead of 21 like most states did," said Chrissy. "I've been dying to come here with you."

"Good thing, too," Craig said. " Today isn't just my twentieth birthday, but it just happens to be one of my rare days off of college."

"I just don't understand why your professors have to be so evil to you," Chrissy said. "There is so much we could be doing."

"...Let's forget all that and enjoy today," Craig said. "I mean, hey, I have two more days with you. Let's make it count. Didn't you say you were going on a 2-week trip to Hawaii in a week?"

"Yeah," Chrissy said half-heartedly. "We were going to explore the coasts. "I'd bring you, but it's an all girls trip, so we had an girls only policy. Our professors are so evil."

The two sat there quietly.

"I'm so sorry," Chrissy said suddenly. "We were supposed to be celebrating, but here I am dampening the mood. Here."

Chrissy reached into a large paper bag she had brought and lifted out a a large box. She, then, opened it to reveal a rich chocolate cake with light brown frosting and strawberries bordering the top. In center, the words "Happy Birthday Craig" were written in white icing and six candles were evenly spaced in a circular manner.  

"Wow," awed Craig as she set the cake on the table. "This looks so good."

"Yep," Chrissy said. "You do like chocolate, so I got this and added the strawberries as my own little touch."

"You're the best girlfriend a guy could have," Craig said. "Let's - "

"Excuse me," a voice interrupted.

The two turned to see a figure in a black cloak standing in front of them. The figure pulled out a black blazer from his cloak and held it in front of Craig.  

"This is for you," said the cloaked person. "Consider it a birthday gift from someone."

"Um, not to be rude, but I'm not sure if I should accept presents from strangers," Craig said.

"Oh, don't worry," said the stranger as he laid the coat on Craig's lap. "I am someone you know very well. I'll tell you sometime. But, right now is your birthday. Do enjoy with your girlfriend."

Before the couple could object, the cloaked figure left abruptly. The two, then faced each other.

"What was that all about?" Asked Craig as he lifted the blazer and inspected it.

"I don't know," said Chrissy. "Hey, why don't you try it on? I bet you'd look hot in that."

"I don't know," said Craig said as he looked inside the coat. "You think it's safe?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine," said Chrissy waving it off. "Come on. Pretty please."

"...Okay, just for you," laughed Craig as he slipped the blazer on him and got up to pose. "How do I look?"

"As I thought. Hot," giggled Chrissy.  

"Well, then," Craig said as he sat down. "Shall we have dessert?"

"First, you gotta make a wish," said Chrissy as she lit the candles. "Go on."

Craig thought, "I wish I could spend some more time with you, Chrissy."  

Then, he blew out the candles.

"So, what did you wish for?" Chrissy asked.

"Don't you know birthday wishes won't be granted unless - "

Suddenly, started coughing.  He turned away and covered his mouth so that he wouldn't cough on the cake or his girlfriend.

"Woah! Craig! Are you okay?" Exclaimed a surprised Chrissy.

"Yeah *cough*," coughed Craig. "Maybe the *cough* smoke *cough* got in my *cough* throat *cough*."

But, Craig couldn't stop coughing. All the while, Chrissy felt that something was off about Craig's voice.

"Come on, Craig," Chrissy said as she helped him on his feet. "Let's get you home."

Craig tried to object, but his coughing wouldn't let him. Chrissy repacked the cake and left their payment. They got in the car and drove off to Craig's house.


Craig's house

"Craig. Are you feeling any better," Chrissy said as she offered a glass water.  

"*cough* Better," Craig said as he drank. "I think the *cough* coughing is *cough* subsiding."

Chrissy gave him a funny look. "Craig. Is it just me, or is your voice getting higher? And why does your hair look long and purple?"

"What are you -- Ack!" said Craig as he realized how high his voice got. "What happened to my voice?"

"I have no idea," Chrissy said with a little fear. "Craig, you really should look at a mirror. Your hair really is longer and really purple."

A little freaked out that his girlfriend's claim, he tried to head for the nearest bathroom, but suddenly fell to his knees and clenched his stomach.  

"Craig!" Chrissy said jumping on her feet. "Are you okay?"

Before he could answer, both of them got the biggest shock of their lives. His neck lost its Adam's apple and his masculine frame receded into something more slim and delicate. Craig lifted his hands to see that his body hair had disappeared and his skin as smooth as his girlfriend's. He felt his face tingle as it rounded  and smoothed out. His eyes grew a little larger, his nose shrunk a bit, and his lips puffed a little. His once short brown hair is now long and light purple. His chest expanded into moderate breasts that threw his center of balance off. Craig suddenly dreaded the worst and quickly brought his hands to his crotch, but it was too late. His manhood had already slipped into a womanhood giving "her" a new feminine identity.

"What is going  on?" Craig said in fear and confusion.

Again, they are interrupted as Craig's new blazer suddenly grew large. Its shape distorted into a cloak-like piece and slowly lifted him off the ground. Craig felt her shirt and pants disappear, leaving her with only her boxers and "cloak", which thankfully covered her body. She suddenly felt his boxers split and formed a new set of undergarments fit for a girl. The "cloak" soon began to shrink back and seemed to hug her body. The black fabric texture changed into something more silky and shaped itself into a black dress that showed off her new hourglass figure. As a final touch, a rose magically appeared at the hip of the dress.

Craig soon found herself floating back down in front his gaping girlfriend. The two girls just stared at each other for the longest time. Craig finally broke the silence.

"This is...unexpected," Craig said, still not used to her new voice.  

Chrissy went to Craig and ran her hand through her new purple hair. "OMG. You really are a girl. A pretty hot one too. Was this...magic?"  

"Bingo!" Said a familiar voice.

The two turned to see the same cloaked person standing next to them.

"Hello, ladies," waved the mysterious figure.

"You! What did you do to me? And how did you get in?" Asked Craig angrily.

"Calm down girl," said the cloaked figure said. "I'll get to the first question soon. How I got in? I used the house key."

"That's impossible," said Craig. "There are only two keys to this house. And, the only ones with the key are me and"

"Go on," said the figure.

"My...older sister," breathed Craig.

"Bingo," said the mysterious person who had taken off her cloak to reveal a woman of much elegance and maturity. "Took you long enough, Craig."

"Monica. What exactly are you?" Craig asked. "A witch?"

"Once again, Bingo," said Monica with an amused smile. "And to answer your next question , we have a family bloodline for female witches, so I naturally inherit the magic that flowed throughout the generations."

"Wow," Craig said.

"But, why did you turn Craig into a girl?" Chrissy asked.  

" I have three reasons," Monica said. "One and two, you both seem unhappy. Always stuck in college and studying your butts off without a chance to see each other. Believe me, I know just how you feel. Oh, cruel fate. Once I heard about Ms. Girlfriend's trip, however, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to use my magic."

"To turn me into a girl?" Asked Craig.

"Just use your imagination, dear brother, or rather dear sister," Monica said as she hugged Craig. "You've just been turned into a girl, so obviously you can't show up to school for a while. And at the same time, your girlfriend just happens to go on an all-girls trip to paradise with the option of taking a friend. Are you connecting the dots?"

Craig's eyes widened at his sister's plan. Chrissy was also understanding the idea.  

"I can't believe it," Craig said. "You turned my three days with Chrissy - "

"Into two weeks," exclaimed Chrissy as she grabbed Craig from Monica and squeezed Craig. "Oh my gosh, Craig. I love you and your sister."

Craig barely managed to return the  hug. "I love you, too. And I so love you Monica."

"Please," Monica said. "It's not just for your benefit, because I still have reason three."

Monica gently took Craig's hands. "It was really sad when mother's miscarriage took away the younger sister we could have had so much fun with. I will always love you, Craig, but I always wanted to know even if just for a while, the joys of having a younger sister. Even if...just for a while."

Craig interrupted her with a hug.

"Say no more," Craig said. "I, Craig, no. Um. I, Claire, will be your younger sister even if temporary."

Monica, then did the unexpected.  

She cried.  

She cried tears of happiness.

She cried tears of happiness and hugged Claire tightly.

Claire and Chrissy couldn't help but shed a few tears themselves. After a few minutes, Chrissy spoke up.

"Hey, let's stop the sob fest," said Chrissy. "Isn't it my boyfriend's birthday today? I still have the best cake."

"Yes," said Monica as she seemingly pulled out a glass of wine out of thin air and handed it to Claire. "And I have the best wine."

Claire smiled. "And I'm having the best birthday ever."
A Request from theDragonKing100

Under the evening sky, a man named Craig celebrates his birthday with his girlfriend, Chrissy. I was going to be a wonderful night. Little do any of them realize, though, that the night will take an interesting turn.

Craig belongs to theDragonKing100

Image provided by theDragonKing100
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